Friday, May 27, 2011

benefits of morning sunshine

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Increasing sunshine Some Kind Immunity.
Sunlight increase white blood cells particularly lymphocytes, which are used to attack thedisease. Antibodies (gamma globulins), you will grow. Ten minutes under ultraviolet lightone or two times per week reduces the potential flu between 30 to 40 percent.
Sunshine is the Bidder Infections and Bacteria Killer
The sun could kill disease bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is useful for the treatment oftuberculosis (TB), Erysipelas, blood poisoning, peritonitis, pneumonia, mumps, asthma,respiratory tract. Even some of the cancer-causing virus be destroyed by ultraviolet light.Fungal infections, including candida, react to sunlight. Several types of bacteria in theair in 10 minutes destroyed by ultraviolet light.

Vitamin D
A large number of your cholesterol deposits found beneath the skin. At the time filteredultraviolet light rays on the skin, he changed it deposits cholesterol into vitamin D.Exposes a portion of the body to sunlight for 5 minutes gave 400 IU (international units)of vitamin D. You need 400 IU per day according to the rules RDA (RecommendedDietary Allowances) in the U.S..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

nail care?

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In fact many simple ways we can do yourself without having to go to a salon to do themanicure. Consider the following tips that may be useful in the treatment of your nailsbeautiful.

Who Can Do;

  • Keep your nails at all times free from nail polish to make it "breathe."
  • Put the hand or body cream on the skin near the kitchen, and put on after washinghands or dishes.
  • Create a long nail in the sun or swim for too long can make your nails dry. This can be overcome by keeping nails and cuticles with moisturizing.
  • Better wear gloves while you do housework or gardening, and rub your hands withhand or body moisturizer before put it into the glove.
  • Save the manicure equipment in an enclosed place to protect the germs that cancause infection.
  • Before doing the dirty work, such as dusting or gardening, first plug the nail into thesoap bar. It is useful to prevent dirt embedded in the nail and also makes it easier to clean.
  • To make a long-lasting nail polish, when about to bathe soften with a little cream on the skin.
  • Enter enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet everyday to strengthen nails.
  • If the nails brittle and easily broken or torn, make nails remain moist.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

healthy coffee?

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Taukah you the pros and cons of a coffee that often we eat it depends on how the presentation and the rules.
Here are 7 tips Coffee is good and true:

Listen Response Body
Everyone has their own limits on caffeine consumption. Most people can consume 2 cups of coffee a day without any problems. But there is also experiencing the bad effects of coffee consumption with the same amount. Someone told me after drinking a cup of coffee became unable to sleep through the night, on the contrary there are sound asleep after drinking coffee. So, the best way is to listen to the body's own response!

Indeed there has been no definitive measure for the dose of coffee may be consumed.However, most studies reveal that drinking 300 mg of caffeine (about 1 to 3 cups of coffee a day) did not give a negative effect on most healthy people.

Know Caffeine Content
After knowing the dose and the response of the body, it helps us know the caffeine content in the products that we usually consume. In order not to copy the recommended dose has been reached, yet we still consume other products that contain caffeine, so feel the ill effects of coffee. Some other products that contain caffeine should be noted such as: soft drinks, candy coffee, tea, chocolate, migraine headaches.

How processing (roasting and Brewing), also affected the content of caffeine in coffee.For example, a study shows, a cup of coffee at Starbucks contains an average of 259 mg caffeine compared to coffee with the type and size of the same cup at Dunkin Donuts, which only contains 149 mg of caffeine.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

acne problem?

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Acne problem which according to some people could interfere with the appearance would be a sad thing if we have experienced.

Although acne is gone, but the acne scars on the face is felt that need to be eliminated, because for most people it can lose confidence when in public. 

Many ways you can try to remove acne scars. Of course, natural and traditional ways will be safer because there are no side effects such as chemical drugs that are circulating. 

To remove spots or acne marks naturally, use honey that has been preheated. Then apply to the spots when the honey is still warm. Let stand about 10 minutes. Do it every day until the spots completely disappeared. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Your hair loss?

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Here are tips and ways to make your Hair Grow Lush and Healthy:

  • Reduce or avoid the use of shampoo with a foam that is too much. Because that has foam shampoo contains a lot of pH 7 to 8, which can damage the skin's natural acid head around pH 5.5. PH imbalance can disturb the healthy growth of hair and cause hair loss. Try to replace the shampoo with a low-foam formula, or use baby shampoo because it generally does not contain detergents.
  • Limit the use of chemical or physical treatment of excessive hair. The hair is colored, in-Rebonding, dicatok, or tied and dried using a hair dryer has been torturing your hair so the hair becomes stressed and more vulnerable.
  • Conditioner useful to counter the alkaline nature of the hair. The nature of acid in the hair cuticle conditioner will close to normal. Conditioner also provides oil to the hair and make it more radiant. Although the hair is actually producing oil, but the long hair, the oil was not until the end of the hair, and this is one for conditioner.