Increasing sunshine Some Kind Immunity.
Sunlight increase white blood cells particularly lymphocytes, which are used to attack thedisease. Antibodies (gamma globulins), you will grow. Ten minutes under ultraviolet lightone or two times per week reduces the potential flu between 30 to 40 percent.
Sunshine is the Bidder Infections and Bacteria Killer
The sun could kill disease bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is useful for the treatment oftuberculosis (TB), Erysipelas, blood poisoning, peritonitis, pneumonia, mumps, asthma,respiratory tract. Even some of the cancer-causing virus be destroyed by ultraviolet light.Fungal infections, including candida, react to sunlight. Several types of bacteria in theair in 10 minutes destroyed by ultraviolet light.
Vitamin D
A large number of your cholesterol deposits found beneath the skin. At the time filteredultraviolet light rays on the skin, he changed it deposits cholesterol into vitamin D.Exposes a portion of the body to sunlight for 5 minutes gave 400 IU (international units)of vitamin D. You need 400 IU per day according to the rules RDA (RecommendedDietary Allowances) in the U.S..
Sun Rays Reducing Blood Sugar
By altering cholesterol under the skin into vitamin D, your body will give warning to thecholesterol in the blood to exit from the blood to the skin, thereby reducing thecholesterol in the blood.
Sun Rays Reducing Blood Cholesterol.
The sunlight can act as insulin that provides easy absorption of glucose into body cells. Itstimulates the body to convert blood sugar (glucose) into sugars that are stored(glycogen) stored in the liver and muscles, thus lowering blood sugar.
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